
Aromatherapy so much more than alternative medicine.
Today, we know more about scientific aromatherapy, which is the study of essential oils and their virtues.
Beyond the strictly physical properties of plants and flowers, there are energetic and spiritual properties. Indeed, the plants each have their own vibration and are used for a wide variety of treatments or rituals.
Before being used on the physical plane, these oils have already been used by ancient civilizations on the spiritual plane.
In ancient Egypt, essential oils were used in sacred ceremonies (embalming, consecration, etc.). There was always a link between deities and good smells.
Sacred oils are precious essential oils, extracted from sacred and ancient plants.
Quintessence of the cosmic forces of heaven and earth, they carry a remarkable vital energy that guides us and propels us on our personal and true path of life.
Also called "passage oils", they penetrate us to the depths of our being.
Among our five senses, it is certainly the sense of smell that gives us the best impression of eternity (Salvador Dali).
The magic begins the moment you open the essential oil bottle. You close your eyes and the genius, the soul of the plant, its quintessence vanishes.... and permeates you...