Essential oils of Rosemary with Cineole 15ml.

Essential oils of Rosemary with Cineole 15ml.

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Rosemary oil is a stimulating essential oil. Known as a memory booster, rosemary essential oil is used to prevent cognitive decline and Alzheimer's disease (AD). Alzheimer's is a neurological disorder characterized by progressive memory loss and decline in cognitive function. Nearly 25% of people over the age of 80 have these types of symptoms. According to recent studies and work published by Mark MOSS(1), rosemary seems to play an important role in maintaining cognitive functions such as concentration, memory and attention.

Rosemary a proven remedy

Rosmarinus Officinalis is a well-known plant in Provence; Hippocrates already prescribed rosemary, and recent work suggests that rosemary alleviates concentration problems and helps prevent neurodegenerative diseases.

Already, in ancient Greece, students put sprigs of rosemary in their hair and William Shakespeare also mentioned that rosemary is good for memory (Hamlet -Act 4, Scene V- there's rosemary, that's for remembrance); a study demonstrates the protective effect of rosmarinic acid on animal cells exposed to the toxic effects of beta-amyloid injection.

How does rosemary essential oil affect memory?

A clinical study suggests that rosmarinic acid enhances short and long term memory. An article published in 2012 in Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology(1), shows that inhalation

Rosemary essential oils promotes cognitive functions.

Root Chakra.

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