Discover our Wolf'aromaBox Chakras, large format 31x26x14, 1.650kg!!!
It consists of:
- 1x 500ml ultrasonic system diffuser.
- 1x ceramic burner.
- 4x10ml of oils-
- essential.
- 7 pendant stones
interior, crystals
reiki etc...
It is composed of:
- White Quartz
- Green Aventurine
- Eye of the Tiger
- Opal
- red jasper
- Lapis lazuli
The essential oils needed to strengthen treatments, such as chakra realignments, meditation, etc. And practices such as Reiki, magnetism or mediumship, are in this box.
To give you enhanced spiritual experiences, diffuse one of the essential oils chosen to work on very specific chakras.
Oils and Chakras:
Each living being has a certain frequency expressed in hertz.
The chakras each vibrate at their own frequency.
The oils offered here are in tune with the vibration of each of your chakras, to be able to work or meditate in depth on your chakras.
Varieties and benefits:
-Basil: the essential oil of basilic and very powerful used since 2000 BC For therapeutic and spiritual purposes.
Is to be used in the case of:
lack of self-confidence.
Will help for the chakras:
- roots, solar, heart, 3rd eye.
A powerful spiritual ally.
-Lemon: this variety is a natural purifier.
Is to be used in the case of: need for concentration.
Will help for the chakras: sacral and solar.
-Fir: fragrant power and sensations of freshness guaranteed.
And to use in the case of: depression or negative energies.
Will help for the chakras: heart and throat.
True lavender: it is undoubtedly the variety of essential oils, the 1st to have been discovered. It is a powerful antiseptic.
Is to be used in the case of:
When you are tense (creates a feeling of relaxation, and joy of living).
Will help with the chakras: Crown.
All the benefits of the Chakras in a Box.